Linux : A Beginner's Guide

Linux : A Beginner's Guide

Article: About Linux and basic commands

Linux is a free and open-source operating system based on the Unix operating system. Unlike proprietary operating systems like Windows or macOS, Linux is developed collaboratively by a community of developers and users around the world.

Linux is highly customizable and can be tailored to fit a wide range of uses, from servers to mobile devices to desktop computers. It is known for its stability, security, and flexibility, making it a popular choice for businesses and individuals who need reliable and customizable computing solutions.

Linux comes in many different distributions, or "distros", each of which is a variant of the basic Linux operating system with different software packages and configurations. Some of the most popular Linux distros include Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, and CentOS.Linux is used in a wide range of industries and applications, from web servers and supercomputers to embedded systems and mobile devices. It is also widely used in cloud computing, with many cloud providers using Linux as the underlying operating system for their services.

Basic Commands:

  1. ls - list directory contents: This command displays a list of files and directories in the current directory. It can also be used with options to display additional information like permissions, size, and modification time.

  2. cd - change directory: This command changes the current working directory to a specified directory.

  3. mkdir - make directory: This command creates a new directory.

  4. rmdir - remove directory: This command removes an empty directory.

  5. rm - remove: This command removes files or directories. It can also be used with options to remove files and directories recursively.

  6. cp - copy: This command copies files or directories from one location to another.

  7. mv - move: This command moves files or directories from one location to another.

  8. cat - concatenate: This command displays the contents of a file.

  9. echo - echo: This command displays text on the terminal.

  10. grep - global regular expression print: This command searches for a pattern in a file or files.

  11. sudo - superuser do: This command allows the user to execute commands with superuser privileges.

  12. chmod - change mode: This command changes the permissions of a file or directory.

  13. chown - change owner: This command changes the ownership of a file or directory.

  14. ps - process status: This command displays information about running processes.

  15. kill - kill: This command sends a signal to a process to terminate it.

  16. top - top: This command displays information about system processes and their resource usage.

  17. df - disk free: This command displays information about disk space usage.

  18. du - disk usage: This command displays information about disk space usage for a specific directory or file.

  19. tar - tape archive: This command is used to create or extract archives.

  20. zip - compress files: This command is used to compress files into a zip archive.

#Linux #TrainwithShubham

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